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Tidal Falls (Wounded Hearts Book 1) Page 5

  “Where are you, Sam? I’ll come to you. We can sit down. Talk this over. Is it the money? I pay you very well. Well enough, I expect results. If you can’t handle it, tell me now and I’ll find someone who can.”

  So far, all his men had proven themselves less than useless. How hard could it be to chase down one woman and a child? “Sam, you still there?”

  “Yeah, I’m here. Look, you know how women are. Hurt their feelings and they immediately go running off to their friends about it. I know you’re worried, but I’m sure if you give her some time she'll come back, boss.”

  Did the asshole not know whom he was dealing with? “Time is not something we have a lot of, my friend. My…associates have been asking questions. They’ve been hearing rumors. I can’t afford to piss these people off, Sam. If you know something and you’re not telling me, I suggest you rethink your strategy. These guys play for keeps. You don’t want to cross them, trust me.”

  There was a long pause, during which he could hear the muted sounds of clinking cups, laughter and conversation overlaid with what sounded like—was that Elvis? Sam came back online, his voice abrupt. “Yeah okay, I have a lead. They may be headed into New Mexico. I'll follow up and let you know.”

  Relieved now he’d won, Tom leaned back in his chair, the better to view the blonde kneeling at his feet. “Good man, I knew I could count on you. Keep in touch; I want to know as soon as you find her.”

  Setting the phone down, he tried to focus as Belinda went back to working him over. Time was running out. He needed to find Sara and get back those files, before she turned them in to some do-gooder cop. The campaign for the governor’s office was already well underway. He’d worked too long and too hard to allow his wife's untimely disappearance to ruin his dreams. He couldn’t afford to have even a hint of scandal attached to his name. He was on his way to the President’s chair, and right now, the only thing stopping him was his pretty wife.

  Disgusted, he shoved the minx between his legs away, gesturing for her to leave. Instead, she leaned back enticingly on her arms, her wide-open shirt showing off bare breasts, nipples puckered and inviting. Her legs bent spread-eagled under her short skirt, showed him she wore nothing underneath. He’d started using her for sex soon after hiring her to take care of his brat. Sometimes he liked things a little rough and she was more than willing to play those games.

  Staring up at him with eyes like a cat, Belinda sucked a finger between her pouting lips, then brought her hand between her legs and fondled herself, her long hair brushing the floor as her head fell back and she began to pant.


  Tom laughed and gave in. Falling out of his chair, he grabbed her around the neck and squeezed as he slid home.


  Sara was at Grits and Grace, having coffee with Tess when Grace, pink cheeked and over-heated, shuffled out of the steamy kitchen to plop down beside her on the wide bench. The musty scent of cooking oil swirled around her as she heaved a heartfelt sigh of relief, leaning back to wriggle her toes. “So, Sara, where did you hide that handsome young man of yours today?”

  “He’s not my man, Grace.” Especially since Nick seemed to be making a game of avoiding her ever since their lunch date. Bad enough she couldn’t quit dreaming about him, all hot and shirtless, big leather tool belt riding low on his hips as he…grabbing the menu she waved it in front of her face.

  Whew, was it warm in here?

  “I don’t know where he is, I haven't seen him in a couple of days.” She swiftly changed the subject, no need giving her friend’s any more ammunition. They were always trying to pair her up with the men of Tidal Falls, some of them old enough to be her grandfather. “Anyway, I have news. I’m going on a date tonight, which should make you two matchmakers happy. I wanted to ask if one of you can take Jessica for a while.”

  “Well of course I will, you don't even need to ask, child,” Tess hurried to respond, and slid a triumphant glance across the table at Grace. The two of them had an ongoing competition over which one Jessica loved spending time with more. Truth was, she soaked up all the love and attention both women lavished on her, returning it twofold.

  Passing a snarky look Tess’s way, Grace offered, “Well then, maybe I could help you in another way. I have a closet full of dresses I’ve never even worn. I bet something in there would be perfect for tonight.” Her eyes twinkling, she raised her right hand as though under oath. “I confess, I’m a shopaholic. I’ve tried to quit, but I just can’t seem to stop.” Laughing, her hand flopped down to the table with a thunk, causing Sara’s cup to rattle in its saucer. “I’m always buying things I don't have a hope of ever getting into, if you can believe it.”

  “Oh, I can…”

  Sara gave Tess a sharp kick under the table before she could finish the wisecrack, instead receiving a wounded look as if to say, “What?”

  “As a matter of fact honey, I have the perfect one for you!” Grace grabbed onto her arm, pumping it enthusiastically.

  Inwardly groaning, Sara took in Grace’s plump figure dressed in a flowing orange tie-dyed tank dress covered with peace signs placed strategically here and there. She forced out a weak smile. “Thanks, girls. I can’t believe how nervous I am. It’s been years since I was on a date. Ty’s going to take me out for dinner and maybe some dancing afterward. It might run a little late. Is that a problem Tess? Because I can call and cancel.”

  “Oh no, you don’t. It’s about time that nephew of mine stepped up to the plate. He's been making puppy dog eyes at you for months now.” She chuckled. “Why don't you leave Jessica overnight with me. She’ll be safe enough. Then, if you two kids wanna get busy…”

  “Tess! I do not intend to get busy, as you put it. It’s a night out between friends, that’s all. I don’t have any plans on ever getting busy, thank you very much.” She winced at how loud she’d gotten.

  Grace added her thoughts on the matter, “Well, hold on now, missy. That horse may have already left the barn, but that doesn’t mean it won’t ever want back in. As long as it’s the right barn, if you catch my drift.”

  Tess and Sara looked at each other in shock, then at Grace who was now looking a little uncomfortable, and then laughter erupted all around the table.

  “You’re bad, Grace Martin, very bad.” Sara smirked. “I can't believe I agreed to this but you guys are making it much easier. Thank you.”

  “No problem, sugar-pie, that’s what friends are for. Okay, let's get on to more important stuff. Who wants pie?”


  Turning this way and that, Sara tried to see her back in the floor length mirror attached to her bedroom door, entranced with the dress Grace had picked out for her. It was beautiful—if somewhat short on material. Backless and fashioned out of the softest oriental silk, it fell gently down her torso to end barely shy of indecent. The gorgeous mixture of turquoise greens and blues were breathtaking. Grace insisted it was perfect even though Sara wasn’t so sure it was appropriate for a first date.

  Too late now.

  The chime of the doorbell and voices down the hall had her throwing on a pair of black velvet stilettos and rushing out of her room, only to slide to a stumbling halt at seeing Nick in the open doorway. The sudden flare of heat in his eyes when he caught sight of her was gratifying, and her pulse leapt in response.

  “You’re beautiful.” His voice deepened and rumbled, stroking something warm and womanly to life inside of her. Not knowing how to handle the moment, she lifted her arms above her head and gave a little twirl, like the ballerina in Jessica’s jewelry box.

  “Grace did a good job, with what little she had to work with.” Slowing her spin, she glanced over her shoulder, and caught his widened eyes on the open back of the dress. The little devil coaching her on from inside had her bending over on the pretext of checking if her shoes were properly strapped.

  His muffled groan rewarded her as she slid her fingers enticingly up first one leg, then the other, checking her nylon
s before giving a little shimmy shake to straighten the short skirt.

  “Something wrong?” she murmured, giving Grace a conspiratorial wink.


  It wasn’t often that anything ever left Nick at a loss for words. He was now. Actually if he wasn’t careful he’d be picking his tongue up off the doorstep. He’d decided to drop over and see if Sara and Jessica would like to go see a movie with him, a peace offering of sorts. He hadn’t been around in a couple days, and had missed them. He’d thought maybe some time and space would help him with the crazy attraction the two of them seemed to generate.

  Guess not.

  Remembering the day he’d seen her in those white shorts and yellow t-shirt, he’d found her heart-stoppingly pretty. The day of their little field trip, she’d been striking in a cute summer frock. Now though, now he felt gob-smacked. And that was before she bent her curvalicious body practically in half—sweet Jesus kill him now—to tighten the straps on a pair of come-fuck-me-up-against-a-door shoes. All the while showing him the long graceful curve of her bared spine and a perfect heart-shaped ass, all of which had his fingers tingling and his cock hardening. He was in so much trouble.

  There was a knock on the doorframe behind him, and there stood what's-his-name, looking like a kid in a candy store.

  What the Hell?

  The dude cleaned up not bad, pissing Nick off even more. He wore a white dress shirt rolled up to show off most likely gym-toned arms and had tucked it into a pair of khaki colored chinos.

  “Wow, doll-face, you look amazing.” Ty grinned, looking way too pleased with himself. “We’re going to have an incredible night together.”

  What the fuck did he mean by that?

  Glaring from him to Sara, Nick expected her to send the a-hole down the road. Instead, she wore a welcoming smile on her very kissable lips as she picked up the little purse sitting on a side table in the hall.

  There definitely was no room for mace in that thing. And she should have a sweater on, her dress looked downright chilly.

  “Ty, you’re right on time. You remember my neighbor, Nick, from the post office the other day.”

  At the other guy’s self-satisfied smirk, he wanted to plaster his pretty-boy face to the wall.

  “Was there something you needed, Nick?” Sara enquired, the sound of his name pulling him from his funk.

  “It can wait.” He growled, shoving his hands deep into his pockets before they ripped the guy’s face off. What the hell was she doing with surfer boy?

  Ty bent his elbow, inviting Sara to place her hand in the crook. “Hey Grace, good to see you. Listen, if you’re ready we better get a move on, I’ve made reservations at La Lune. You'll love it, great French cuisine.”

  What a Candy-ass. French cuisine.

  As if Sara would be impressed because he was taking her to some fancy, shmancy restaurant. As she brushed by, he inhaled the fresh clean vanilla scent of her. It took all of his self-control to stand aside instead of pulling her into his aching arms.


  Sara could see the tension tightening Nick's broad shoulders. His face was an imperturbable mask, but annoyance flashed from his expressive eyes. She’d missed him the last couple of days. Had thought they were at least going to be friends after the lunch they’d shared. She wished now she’d called and cancelled her date, and hoped the rest of the evening would go better than the start. Ty did look nice, she had to give him points for that. But standing next to Nick's dark splendor, he faded into the woodwork.

  Nick wore a pair of well-loved jeans and a much-washed soft looking button down shirt, the color an exact match to his cobalt eyes. He looked incredible, even with the scruffy stubble along his jaw, which had set her skin tingling. If only he’d been the one to ask her out.

  Overwarm, she turned to Ty. “Yes, I’m ready. I’ve been looking forward to this. Your aunt tells me you’re a terrific dancer.” Forcing a smile for Ty she slipped first by Grace with her knowing eyes, and then Nick, inhaling his unique maleness on her way past. Man, if they only learned how to bottle that smell, there would be some very happy women in the world.

  Glancing up as she passed, she met his intense gaze, and paused at something she thought she saw in the crystalline depths. Then the moment passed and he gave her a lopsided smile that failed to reach his eyes. “Have a good time.”

  “I will,” she said, her heart not in the game. “See you tomorrow, Nick.”

  “Yeah, you will.”

  Feeling as though she’d made a grave error, but not sure what to do about it, Sara continued down the walk, her hand on Ty’s arm. Before sliding into his fancy car she stopped to look back and wave at the two on the porch, but Nick was gone, leaving only Grace smiling and waving.

  As they drove to La Lune in the sporty little coupe, she gave herself a stern lecture, only half listening as he described his day. She could tell Ty had gone all out tonight, the car sparkled and he looked very handsome. He’d booked them into The Hot Spot in Tidal Falls. He deserved her complete attention, and she was determined he would get it.

  Pushing aside all Nick related thoughts, she was pleased when Ty hopped out, strode around front of the vehicle and opened her door for her. Manners, check. He guided her over the uneven cobblestones to glass entry doors, intricately etched with a harvest moon. Gesturing for her to enter, he spoke briefly with the maître d’ before they were led to a secluded, candlelit table. Both men waited until she seated herself, the headwaiter then passing them menus and an extensive wine list.

  After first deferring to her, Ty chose a Pinot Noir and they perused the exquisite menu choices as “Night and Day” by the great Ella Fitzgerald played from the nearby dance floor. She gazed after an elderly couple moving slowly around the room, eyes only for each other, and Sara’s chest swelled as tears threatened to fall. Their love was almost tangible, wrapping them in protective layers of happiness and security. It was beautiful. She reluctantly turned back to the table only to find Ty watching her, a speculative look on his face.

  “Nice couple. Kind of reminds me of my parents. They’re always doing stuff like that, dancing around the kitchen, or sitting together on the couch, holding hands and hugging. It's kinda cute.”

  “You’re lucky to grow up in a nice family, Ty. I think Tess mentioned you have a couple of sisters and a brother?”

  “Yep, I do. All older and married off with kids now. I remember when we were youngsters though, whenever they wanted to play dress-up they’d rope me in—usually to play the baby.” His smile said he hadn’t really minded all that much. “But you’re right; I wouldn't change a single day of my childhood. How about you, is there some family out there somewhere? I assume you and your husband are divorced?”

  Sara looked down at the thick menu. “I have Jessica. She is my family.” In the uncomfortable silence that fell over their table, she could hear the intimate murmurs of the other guests over the clink of fine crystal.

  Ty changed the subject. “What looks good?” Pointing to the richly embossed paper she’d been staring at without actually reading, he laughed. “I have to confess, I've never heard of half of this stuff.”

  Relieved he’d let the subject of her marriage drop, Sara smiled as she tried to guess what some of the items were. “Me neither. I think I'll stick with a steak, though the Coq au Vin looks interesting. It’s a beautiful restaurant Ty, thank you for inviting me.”

  Their server reappeared, and after placing their orders, Ty stood and held his hand out to her. “Dance with me, Sara?”

  She placed her hand in his and as he led her out onto the dance floor “Home” by her favorite artist, Michael Buble, began to play. As they twirled around the room, she had to admit Ty knew what he was doing in the romance department. This should have been the perfect date. If only she could get a certain blue-eyed devil off her mind. Why had he shown up at her door tonight? She’d heard nothing from him for two surprisingly long days. Not that she cared where he’d been—or with whom

  Sure, you don’t.

  Ty's voice near her ear startled her. “Are you having a good time?”

  Flushing, Sara answered with more enthusiasm than the question warranted. “Oh yes, I am. It's been a long time since I've been out dancing; you’re very good by the way.”

  “Sisters, remember? They always dragged me along to dance classes with them. Guess I picked it up there. I do a mean two-step too,” he joked, pretending to dip her.

  “Oh no, Mr. Garrett, this is my limit.” She giggled, enjoying herself more than she’d expected.

  “Okay.” He laughed. “But you’re missing out on some serious fun.”

  They’d gone a couple more trips around the small area, weaving between the other couples when she noticed something had caught his attention behind her. “What’s wrong? Someone you know?”

  “Are you sure there's nothing between you and that Nick guy?”

  “Of course I'm sure. Why do you ask?”

  “Because he's here, and if looks could kill I'd be a pile of ash by now,” he said as he twirled her around for a look.

  Her heart gave a kick in her chest, and she forgot to breathe as she searched the room for him. “Why in the world would he have followed us here?”

  “Oh, I think I can guess,” Ty said dryly. “He’s the big ugly one, over by the bar.”

  Sure enough, it was Nick all right. And he wasn’t even pretending he was there for any other reason. Full of attitude, arms resting behind him on the bar, he was staring straight at her. Looking at his grim visage Sara should probably have been worried. Instead, excitement coursed through her veins. He’d followed her.

  Did it mean he was jealous? She dropped a hand to her fluttering tummy, uncomfortably aware of how close Ty held her.

  He sighed against her warm cheek, before releasing her and stepping away. “You know it's kind of providential he’s here. I was going to have to cut this short anyway. I’d forgotten about an important appointment I have to keep. Unavoidable, I’m afraid. Maybe if I asked, he could give you a lift home?”